Personal Project: In the end of May 2013, a group of friends and I made the 10 hour journey from Georgia to Ozark, Arkansas for Wakarusa Music Festival. Little did we know we would be battling rain, thunderstorms, and tornado warnings the entire time. Good thing I forgot to pack my rain boots and jacket... My little tent didn't stand a chance either. But, I got to see The Black Crowes and Widespread Panic so the 7-inch deep mud was entirely worth it. I made these posters to help commemorate the experience. 

Commission: Helped out a friend from Creative Circus create a logo and packaging for his hummus company based out of Athens, Georgia (the Classic City). Watercolor and ink backgrounds.

Personal Project: postcards of scenes from around Atlanta. Argosy is one of my favorite restaurants in East Atlanta Village and The Flat Iron has the best grilled cheeses. Rest in Peace to my go-to wing place, Graveyard Tavern.

Creative Circus project: 2 weeks to create a fully functioning game. Well, that's a lie. We only had 5 days to create a functioning game. 

Day 1 - Come up with a unique concept. Day 2 -  Bring in 3 mockups of possible boards. Day 3 - Have rules and sample cards made.  Day 4 -  Have a logo for your game. Day 5 - Practice playing it to make sure it's even possible to play within a reasonable amount of time. 

The second week involved fine tuning of the graphics and logistics of the game. As the Art Director and Designer of this game, I was under a serious time crunch. But, it all worked out and everyone loved our game. 

Creative Circus project: take a modern day product and create an ad for it inspired by an assigned decade. I got the Sixties! If I could have lived through any other decade, it would have been the 1960s. And the 70s. I would do anything to have seen Hendrix, Joplin, The Doors, Led Zeppelin, or the Beatles perform live.

Work fun: Our group fitness team at my first job needed a name and logo. My coworker came up with the name, and I made the logo in Illustrator and Photoshop.


The concept? 

You have a severe case of Multiple Personality Disorder and the goal is to rid yourself of those extra personalities and find your true self. During the course of the game, you must act and stay in character while performing different tasks and actions. Character personalities ranged from an "Angry Bridge Troll" to "Overly Concerned Grandmother" and "Jesus."